I just want to take a moment to thank the National Society of Newspaper Columnists for recognizing my work this year. They have been so helpful and encouraging to my career as a columnist. I have been writing columns since 2008 but didn't have the confidence to submit my work to any writing competitions for TEN YEARS! My first real validation as a columnist came from readers. Making them smile makes my day. In 2018 I screwed up my courage and submitted to the Columnist Writing Competition. And OMG, they liked my stuff! Well, I cried with joy when I placed the first time! To have your peers, fellow columnists, writers say, hey, not bad? This year I'm honored that my website column that you can read here and on the Triple A Club Alliance website garnered Third Place in the Humor Category!! (My 5th time placing!!) Thank you NSNC for encouraging this little column. It's meant the world to my confidence. I can now proudly say, I'm a writer, without imposter syndrome thanks to NSNC. Well, I still have a little imposter syndrome, but that's common among writers I hear.
Here are the two columns that I submitted for judging this year. I mean Sea Monkeys are the gift that keeps on giving!!!

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